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Abraham Lincoln | Adam Smith | Adolf Hitler | Albert Einstein | Alexander Fleming | Alexander Graham Bell | Alexander Hamilton | Alexander the Great | Ali, founder Sufism | Andrew Jackson |
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier | Antony van Leeuwenhoek | Archimedes | Aristotle | Asoka | Augustine of Hippo | Augustus Caesar | The Beatles | Benjamin Franklin | Bob Dylan | Buddha |
Carl Linnaeus | Charlemagne | Charles Babbage | Charles Darwin | Charles Dickens | Charles I of England | Charles II of England | Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor | Cheops | Christopher Columbus |
Cicero | Confucius | Constantine the Great | Cyrus the Great | Dante Alighieri | David, King of Israel | Edgar Allan Poe | Edward Jenner | Elizabeth I of England | Elvis Presley | Enrico Caruso [Music] |
Enrico Fermi | Ernest Rutherford | Euclid | Ferdinand Magellan | Francis Bacon | Francisco Pizarro | Franklin D. Roosevelt | Friedrich Nietzsche | Galileo Galilei | Gautama Buddha | Genghis Kahn |
George III of the United Kingdom | George W. Bush | George Washington | Gregor Mendel | Gregory Pincus | Grover Cleveland | Guglielmo Marconi | Harry S. Truman | Hart, Michael H. 1992. |
Henry Ford | Henry VIII of England | Hernando Cortes | Homer | Immanuel Kant | Isaac Newton | James Clerk Maxwell | James Cook | James I of England | James Madison | James Watt |
Jean-Jacques Rousseau | Jesus Christ | Joan of Arc | Johann Gutenberg | Johann Sebastian Bach | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Johannes Kepler | John Adams | John Calvin | John Dalton |
John F. Kennedy | John Locke | Joseph Lister | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Joseph Stalin | Julius Caesar | Justinian I | Karl Marx | King Arthur | Lao Tzu | Lenin | Leonardo da Vinci |
Leonhard Euler | Louis Daguerre | Louis Pasteur | Louis XVI of France | Luciano Pavarotti | Ludwig van Beethoven | Mahatma Gandhi | Mahavira | Mani | Mao Zedong | Marie Curie |
Mark Twain | Martin Luther | Max Planck | Mencius | Menes | Michael Faraday | Michelangelo | Mikhail Gorbachev | Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi | Moses | Muhammad | Napoleon Bonaparte |
Nelson Mandela | Nicolaus Copernicus | Nicoli Machiavelli | Nikola Tesla | Nikolaus August Otto | Oliver Cromwell | Orville and Wilbur Wright Orville | Oscar Wilde | Otto von Bismarck |
Paul the Apostle | Peter the Great | Philip II of Spain | Plato | Pope John Paul II | Pope Urban II | Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky | Queen Elizabeth I | Queen Isabella I | Queen Victoria | Rene Descartes |
Richard Nixon | Richard Wagner | Robert E. Lee | Robert Johnson [Music] | Ronald Reagan | Rumi , Jalaluddin Rumi-Q | Saint Peter | Shih Huang Ti | Simon Bolivar | Socrates | St. Augustine | St. Paul |
St. Thomas Aquinas | Sui Wen Ti | Theodore Roosevelt | Thomas Aquinas | Thomas Edison | Thomas Jefferson | Thomas Malthus | Ts’ai Lun | Ulysses S. Grant | Vasco da Gama | Vincent van Gogh |
Vladimir Lenin | Voltaire | Werner Heisenberg | Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen | William Harvey | William Shakespeare | William T.G. Morton | William the Conqueror |
Winston Churchill | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Woodrow Wilson | Zoroaster | ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab |
![]() | Wikipedia | Wiki Quote | Top | Wikiquotes |
Abraham Lincoln | Adam Smith | Adolf Hitler | Albert Einstein | Alexander Fleming | Alexander Graham Bell | Alexander Hamilton | Alexander the Great | Ali, founder Sufism | Andrew Jackson |
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier | Antony van Leeuwenhoek | Archimedes | Aristotle | Asoka | Augustine of Hippo | Augustus Caesar | The Beatles | Benjamin Franklin | Bob Dylan | Buddha |
Carl Linnaeus | Charlemagne | Charles Babbage | Charles Darwin | Charles Dickens | Charles I of England | Charles II of England | Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor | Cheops | Christopher Columbus |
Cicero | Confucius | Constantine the Great | Cyrus the Great | Dante Alighieri | David, King of Israel | Edgar Allan Poe | Edward Jenner | Elizabeth I of England | Elvis Presley | Enrico Caruso [Music] |
Enrico Fermi | Ernest Rutherford | Euclid | Ferdinand Magellan | Francis Bacon | Francisco Pizarro | Franklin D. Roosevelt | Friedrich Nietzsche | Galileo Galilei | Gautama Buddha | Genghis Kahn |
George III of the United Kingdom | George W. Bush | George Washington | Gregor Mendel | Gregory Pincus | Grover Cleveland | Guglielmo Marconi | Harry S. Truman | Hart, Michael H. 1992. |
Henry Ford | Henry VIII of England | Hernando Cortes | Homer | Immanuel Kant | Isaac Newton | James Clerk Maxwell | James Cook | James I of England | James Madison | James Watt |
Jean-Jacques Rousseau | Jesus Christ | Joan of Arc | Johann Gutenberg | Johann Sebastian Bach | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Johannes Kepler | John Adams | John Calvin | John Dalton |
John F. Kennedy | John Locke | Joseph Lister | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Joseph Stalin | Julius Caesar | Justinian I | Karl Marx | King Arthur | Lao Tzu | Lenin | Leonardo da Vinci |
Leonhard Euler | Louis Daguerre | Louis Pasteur | Louis XVI of France | Luciano Pavarotti | Ludwig van Beethoven | Mahatma Gandhi | Mahavira | Mani | Mao Zedong | Marie Curie |
Mark Twain | Martin Luther | Max Planck | Mencius | Menes | Michael Faraday | Michelangelo | Mikhail Gorbachev | Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi | Moses | Muhammad | Napoleon Bonaparte |
Nelson Mandela | Nicolaus Copernicus | Nicoli Machiavelli | Nikola Tesla | Nikolaus August Otto | Oliver Cromwell | Orville and Wilbur Wright Orville | Oscar Wilde | Otto von Bismarck |
Paul the Apostle | Peter the Great | Philip II of Spain | Plato | Pope John Paul II | Pope Urban II | Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky | Queen Elizabeth I | Queen Isabella I | Queen Victoria | Rene Descartes |
Richard Nixon | Richard Wagner | Robert E. Lee | Robert Johnson [Music] | Ronald Reagan | Rumi , Jalaluddin Rumi-Q | Saint Peter | Shih Huang Ti | Simon Bolivar | Socrates | St. Augustine | St. Paul |
St. Thomas Aquinas | Sui Wen Ti | Theodore Roosevelt | Thomas Aquinas | Thomas Edison | Thomas Jefferson | Thomas Malthus | Ts’ai Lun | Ulysses S. Grant | Vasco da Gama | Vincent van Gogh |
Vladimir Lenin | Voltaire | Werner Heisenberg | Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen | William Harvey | William Shakespeare | William T.G. Morton | William the Conqueror |
Winston Churchill | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Woodrow Wilson | Zoroaster | ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab |